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Embark Safety

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Everything posted by Embark Safety

  1. Driver refused to return the truck when he went for home time, sent me a drug test paper from other company and told me to come pick the truck up myself. Performance wasn't very good, late to every delivery WOULD NOT RECOMEND.
  2. Hasani Ephraim was part of our company for about two weeks. It was always hard to communicate with this driver, and most of the loads he was under, he was being late. This driver is a big NO from our side.
  3. This driver was uncooperative, demanding, rude to our dispatcher, abandoned the trailer, and drove the truck unauthorized. We ultimately let him go.
  4. Very poor performance. His last load before termination was from California to New York. Five days later he only made it as far as Chicago. Not eligible for rehire.
  5. Not reliable driver, low performance. Drove empty from IL to MS, and abandoned equipment.
  6. Driver is trying to get a return of duty letter just so he can go back to his old company.
  7. Driver coming with story how she is good driver and how she can drive good miles but nothing what she said is true she lie about everything and just making the issue how everyone is against her and she will use that as threat. Late on so many loads which caused that we losing days and money but she will asked for layover like is not her fault. She always taking longest route how she can be pay more since she working per miles and making big deals when we telling here that it is impossible that she need so many miles to get from pint a to b. Last time she late she had another load to be picked up and of course again we need it to cancel and we decide to find her load back to our yard. However, she took the truck and start driving back to her home at Florida against our will and she left truck there where we need to go to recovery. PROBLEMATIC DRIVER
  8. Here is what happened to us, in March of 2021 he was hired, asked for a load going towards home and abandoned the truck and trailer in Oklahoma, obviously just used it to go home : -) Now through the scope of the past time it sounds funny, but then it wasn't at all! Don't waste your time and money with this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. We send him to pickup a load and turned out that the product was not ready. He spend 12 hours at the shipper, drove 200 out of 1300 miles and text us that is quitting just like that. He came to our terminal driving out of route to drop the equipment. We had to find another driver to finish this load., he put us in very bad spot with our regular customer. He is taking home time in Chicago so at least he got a free ride home, be aware....
  10. The Driver did 2 loads and then deadheaded to where he found a new job and dropped the truck while not answering the phone cariers beware
  11. After 3 weeks of working with us Mr. Emmett simply abandoned loaded truck/trailer with no explanation... no prior complaints, no issues of any kind, simply abandoned loaded equipment and just left!!! DO NOT HIRE
  12. He applied for a job called everyday until he was approved. We scheduled him for a drug test day and time by his preference and he didn't show up, not even letting know he would not make it. Next day no show up again. When he finally respond to the call and did a drug test he disappeared again. We wasted so much time over not trust worthy and unreliable person.
  13. Drove for us for 1 month and was in our lease program. Was in the positive for one week and in the negative for the next 3 weeks because he kept refusing every load we got him. It seemed like he just did not want to drive. He is very difficult to work with. He then quit and proceeded to leave a bad google review of our company.
  14. Stay away from him and his partner Laura. We provided everything they asked for including a new truck and nothing was good enough. They complained and doubted everything. As a team they couldn't do 300 miles a day. Laura did not know how to drive manual and they told me they, and i QUOTE, "we don't really want to do more than 500 miles a day, and we wanna take it easy and explore America". Not in my $276,000 truck you're not....once they returned equipment they threatened to both "kick my ass" if i didn't pay for a hotel room for the night. I'm a woman btw. Stay far far away from these white trash people.
  15. This driver is a scammer. He was acting very nice at the beginning cooperate through the whole hiring process. We booked him a flight to IL and once he landed he disappeared. Waste of time and money! Think twice before hiring him!
  16. We paid the flight ticket from FL to IL for $378. I called him before few hours, and he said, yes, the plane had landed; he stopped answering the phone. Crazy. I just lost $378. Be careful with this guy; if he is a human like this, I do not know how he is as a driver. Maybe it is the better way to lose money and not have big troubles on the road
  17. I want to report this driver: Mr. Taran worked for our company for a few months. On June 1, 2023, we got an issue with a truck. Driver (Mr. Taran) called us and reported the problem. We asked him if it was possible to drive to the dealer and show the truck, he drove for a few minutes and said check engine light coming up! WE SAID STOP IMMEDIATELY and call a towing company. We sent another driver to pick him up within a few hours and bring him to our terminal, after this Mr. Taran stopped answering the phone, we called another driver who was picking up and ask to talk with Mr. Taran, and Mr. Taran said: I do not want to speak with this people. Mr. Taran never came back to our terminal, he just lost. After some time, when our truck was ready, we received a phone call from the Dealer: Guys, your truck is ready, please pay and pick it up! We said the truck was under warranty, and asked why we must pay, they said to us: Your Driver was here and wrote a letter about this situation, in the latter he said you were told him to drive a broken truck, and right now the warranty can not cover it, he showed the proof of text from our Fleet department. Finally, we fixed the problem with the warranty, but we spent a lot of time. Right Now, we are receiving messages from Mr. Taran about where is my money, but he has stolen all BOLS for two weeks and never returned the truck, we tried to explain and call him, but his not answering. Guys, just stay safe, and I do not understand why he did this all shit. This is for sure unprofessional, and looks likes he tried to do something bad for us! But we never put him on hold, never charged for something, and provide 3000 miles minimum at this red time! We have all proofs if you want to, you can call 708 557 5605
  18. abandoned truck under the load
  19. Very ungrateful and unkind. Poor communication, he kept threatening to leave the trailer and leave the company, which he eventually did. Stole our equipment and left our trailer in the middle of the road. He caused problems and threatened everyone.
  20. Be aware of this driver, he took off with our truck and had to be stopped by the police. The Police removed him from the truck and we were able to recover it. More so he kept avoiding follow-up/RTD testing. Not to be trusted!
  21. Abandoned the truck in TX after driving it just for two weeks. He left the truck in his hometown.
  22. abandoned truck in North Carolina, where he lives with a lot of damages, always late, complaining, everyone's fault apart from his. Would not recommend to anyone
  23. Driver is unproffesional and rude. Cursing out his dispatcher and the managment all the time, shoting and yelling, very unpleasent to work with. Rolled with our company for a month after a heated argument started threatening taking load and equipment hostage, equipment had to be towed resulting in driver termination and big losses for the company. WOULD NOT RECCOMEND TO HIRE
  24. He came to orientation with an odor of marijuana also was rude from the start, we would not hire this driver! be aware
  25. The driver likes to pick up women from Truck stops and take them to the truck. it is also abandoned the truck in Atlanta, GA.
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