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Everything posted by Motive

  1. Andy barely drove 250 miles in 9 days!!! The L'Oréal load was rescheduled 4 times because he was "sick" and when he finally delivered that load, the 1 of 2 that he did for us, he drove the truck back empty, refusing a load, stole fuel for cash, then sideswiped a car in WI, failed to report it, and finally abandoned the truck and trailer with extensive damage. This guy is unreliable, inefficient, a complete waste a time, a habitual liar and should not be trusted under any circumstances. He will use you for as long as he can, claim he is the best driver, an ex cop, dependable, all BS - only to leave you in negative balances, damaged equipment, black listed with brokers and owing money for the property damages he caused along the way. Webster's definition of wasted time and money. DO NOT HIRE.
  2. He was applying for a job. He did a drug test then he said he has family problems. A month later he called and did a drug test again. Few days later he was about to be picked up from another driver to get to the truck and he called and said that he is not coming, and he found another job. It's unprofessional. I paid for the drug tests, and he lost my time. I am glad he didn't start to work because he seems like person who can't be trust.
  3. Do not hire. Waste of time.
  4. Changes companies often, abandones trucks
  5. Not complying with company policy , braking contract, not answering the phone and unauthorized usage of equipment and hijacking the loaded trailer. He sold the cargo and continued to use the truck booking himself loads on different authority. After two week finally we managed to reposes the truck and trailer. In the process of recovery we find out that has criminal record which he didn't mention during the hiring process.
  6. He did only one load. And he drove 1000 miles to his house empty. And he is kept the truck hostage. NOT FOR HIRE!!!
  7. Had issues with the police on a truck stop within the first week of driving. Lazy, not reliable.
  8. He's got some mental issues and talks delusional things. On the first day on the job he turns the phone off, and dispatchers can't figure out where he is and what he is doing. he sent a text after hours of delivery that he delivered.
  9. Jefferey Bowden with his wife Monica Boyuna Newton were conditioning our company that they will not return truck if we don' t fulfill their conditions. i do not recommend hiring them at any costs, you will have a lot of problems i promise you. 1000 phone calls, messages, talking bad stuff to dispatchers,refusing to send BOL's, talking bad words to brokers, conditionings...etc
  10. She was a good driver but until decided to quit without notice and refuse to bring the truck to terminal and for those reasons she is not eligible for rehire.
  11. Was employed as a team driver with his wife Woodz Berry Durosier , from the start of the first conversations with the dispatcher were rude and complained a lot, made one load and after the delivery in Atlanta, started randomly going down south, not picking up the phone, not answering any messages. Left the truck and trailer in Orlando and just got out of there, after we ordered towing, recovery driver noticed a lot of damages on the trailer and truck itself, the inside of the truck was filthy and needed a chemical cleaning The whole situation with these guys cost us a lot, would not recommend to hire these to anyone, keep away from teams like that!!!
  12. There should be an option to give stars on 'Common Sense' so I could give a 1 on that too. He comes across as nice, just a little timid. But when he got behind the wheel of one of our trucks, he had a load to go 1900 miles. He made it about 850 miles....in 4 days! He then turned around to bring our truck back & we had someone meet him on the way to get our load delivered on time. Don't waste your time unless you are having him do short local runs.
  13. He went for a drug test and walked out in the middle of test. Quest labeled "automatic refusal."
  14. Don't hire him. He didn't want to return the truck, stole the fuel and he was treating to the office stuff!
  15. Late everyday on every single load. Quit without notice 1 hour before scheduled load and abandoned the truck .
  16. Motive

    Amy Gray

    applying all time everywhere not picking up not taking drug screens not reliable
  17. Do not Hire this guy and his friend's witch he is suggesting, he always complains about the load, always scream on the phone and if you will ask him what was the reason for damaging a tire he will give you notice that he is leaving seems like he is paying you not the company to him.
  18. this guy blackmailed us several times that he is going to report us to DOT if we don't send him EFS. Not elegible for rehire.
  19. Trouble driver never in time quite in 1 day notice threatening to kill if he didn’t get the money
  20. Driver worked with us roughly a week. Out of nowhere, started to complain about the company and it was okay, we got her a load to deliver close to the office, so she could return the truck after delivery. She took the load as she said, only to go home and abandoned our loaded equipment near her house in Kokomo IN.
  21. On the First load messed up trailer rim. Can't back up, can't drive more than 300 miles per day. Horrible driver.
  22. This guy is very hard to deal with, one time he hit pole, so we had to call towing, another time got stuck on the side in the mud, towing again, he damaged two brand new trailers, first side and the second trailer roof. He lies about like he never did it, he destroyed the bumper said it fell of itself… So long story short if you want your truck and trailer to get damaged here and there and have your truck idiling all the time this is the right guy, always some kind of stories, always some bs. Guy is unbelievable, doesn’t care, make up stories so I would never hire him. We thought it’s expensive not to have a driver in the truck, but now we figured it’s much more expensive to have this guy instead of truck sitting on the load. Beware!
  23. dropped truck without notice. really unprofessional, rejecting decent loads, arguing
  24. did 1 load per week , 3weeks in a row, then got mad that he's not grossing. hijacked truck and loaded trailer. once we recovered truck and trailer we found out that load is stolen. DONT HIRE THIS DRIVER. also his wife co-driver LAKESHIA CARSON is unstable.
  25. Overall not a bad driver when in the truck. Just a lot off personal issues. Always broke, asking for cash advance 3-4 times a week. Family emergencies excuses. Taking his family members on the trip. Brought truck back to the yard, turned everything to office.
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