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Everything posted by Motive

  1. constantly late for deliveries -always excuses, did a U-turn after going the wrong way and damaged the side panel of the truck and ripped the electrical cord and air hoses from the truck,at the end without any notice or telling anyone he parked the truck and trailer with a reefer load on the yard and disappeared
  3. Leased a truck from us. Every few months damage on the truck or trailer always hiding until someone seeing in the yard. every few months he is leaving country for months, always want only newer and very reliable truck but manages damage that as soon as he starts driving. Last incident few days ago was hit and run. Police catches up. Police report, claim, etc, and he still manages to hide it from the company!!! Goes to a small shop and asks them to replace tires and rims, and when fleet manager calling and asking "why, you just had new tires all over", he still trying to lie that something happened, not his fault, and finally when shop asking to pay not only for tire but rims too and police contacting company directly, we understand that he had accident. When safety calls him up and ask "what happened, why you left from the accident" - his explanation "I was scared, guy was very rude". Simply lie after lie after lie. Terminated immediately. No more BS from this guy. Not recommend, that a big headache.
  4. Abandoned truck and loaded trailer. No notice nothing. Day before spoke with the driver, he asked to prebook the load for next day. Something is not right with his mind looks like. Hire on your own risk.
  5. Sound great until you hire her. Late on almost every load. Constant emergencies and home time requests. Endless supply of stories and excuses...
  6. DO NOT HIRE THIS GUY! He used our company just to get flight to Chicago and never showed up!!! He will never pay escrow as well. Just a big no!!!!
  7. The driver was hired for 1099 position and was responsible for all the damages to the equipment. The driver didn't pay attention to pre-trip inspections of the equipment. Had 3 accidents: backing at the truck stop, hit a deer, and after this accident start having issues with the driver. The driver was not agreed to pay for damages. The company decided to do him a favor. The driver never complied with the repairs. It's a company policy to do follow up and the driver refusing to do any kind of follow ups saying that he only driving a truck and not doing anything else. And the company policy that he signed says that he is responsible for minimum maintenance support (like follow-up on repairs). He left the shop without checking that the headlight was never repaired and continue issue with the truck. Driver failed company policy not driving in the middle of the night and hit a deer. The 3rd accident was still under investigation. The transmission cooler was second time broken. Mechanic proved that it's damaged. The driver didn't want to discuss it and said that if we charge him for that accident then he will hire a lawyer and sea us for that money. Very disrespectful driver. Late for Pick up/delivery. He was making 2400$ a week. In any critical situation will never get support from the driver. In every difficult situation will argue and would never completely follow company policy.
  8. Bad English, always complaining about statements, asks for more money and threaten that will abandon the truck.
  9. Very disrespectful person, will act very nice at first time, but when will get in your truck will start showing her big attitude. Always threatening to sue company for anything. 3 accidents at the time of work, one of them total loss of the truck as she fall asleep and , of course, lied. We figured out when we got police report. All 3 accidents AT FAULT. Very aggressive as a driver, always violations, run her PSP. Also she hided one bad inspection before left. Not admitting any faults, always somebody at fault. Also when truck was getting fixed, vodka was found in the truck, which is 100% illegal. Owes money to the company and tried threatening the company with lawsuit, which she will actually get from another side. Check her license as it might be already suspended! We are really happy we let her go, as we suffered too much loss from her, the same was with her previous company but we didn't believe the owner. DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS KIND OF PEOPLE! HIRE AT YOUR OWN RISK! DO EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION BEFORE YOU HIRE(CHECK PSP FOR COMPANIES DOT SHE WORKED FOR )!
  10. Driver abandoned truck in GA. For 3 weeks lied to dispatchers that will start the next day.
  11. SHE WAS DRIVING A TEAM WITH Asia Jones. Lazy drivers. in the end they found boyfriends and left a truck . In the truck 2020 they did disaster, restroom in a bucket. was hard to clean a truck after. please, stay away from them.
  13. Just please, do not waste your time with this guy. Doesn't give a sh*t about any safety rules, truck and etc...
  14. Mark came to IL, We payed for his trip, did orientation and next day he said that he's going home without any explication. Be aware.
  15. DO not even try to work with him . He been looking job ASAP and after he pass drug test we provide tickets for him . in 2 hours before flight he call me to ask change a date . we change for 3 days after we payd extra for flights . second time to use the flight to arrive in Chicago and as soon he arrive he dissappear . no answer call and messanges . we lost almost 490$ . after 2 days he arrive in our yard by himself been looks intoxicaled by alcohol and drugs start make drama , be very agressive , try to broke doors and truck windows . ask to provide him hotel becase he lost and he is ready start working in a week ,
  16. Oh my god! What an animal guys. This guy makes this review so much easier to write. No need to describe anything. Anyone who spoke with him on the phone for more than 2 minutes will know what I mean. Scary such people live among us.
  17. The guy applied for a lease to purchase. After I sent him all the details start acting super weird. He has some anger issues. You crazy, dumbass, fool, I pay for a gas 0.99 cpm etc. What?? I just sent you an info. So think twice if you want him on board.
  18. Driver applied to work for us, passed all background checks, we conducted phone interview, said he is ready to work for us, but we should get him plane ticket to Chicago. As soon as we booked him a flight, he cut all contacts wit us. Be careful about this guy.
  19. He said he will start with us in November. After we ran his record, checked him with our insurance and he was acceptable, he told us he will be here on a certain day of that week, but that never happened. He called us again in January 2021 saying he wants the job and will be here in the office to apply today 1/18/2021. I called him this morning and he pretended not to have an idea who is he talking to, told me to find him a load to Georgia (I guess he thought I'm one of his dispatch from his current employer). Then he called me a liar and started using trivial language, when I asked him why he is not at our office at 8 AM, as we agreed. I wouldn't recommend hiring people like this, people that you can't rely on and have a bad temper.
  20. homeless person looking to have a place to stay ,and that place is your truck.every week a fender bender or truck damage.Left truck without any notice
  21. Lying, speeding, cursing, being late, abusing HOS rules, f***s up the record, and goes to another company. Always threatening, that he is being forced by a dispatcher and that he will report it.
  22. Been working with us for 2 months. He was a really cool guy at the beginning. Never late, live updates, on the road most of the time. However, everything change when he provided accounting wrong account# and didn't get paid Friday. Started to accuse everyone of stealing his money, etc. Whenever situation comes to problems he becomes inadequate, starts screaming and so on. Last 2 weeks were driving with ELD device off at all times. Didn't bring the truck back to yard. Think twice before hiring this guy.
  23. Unstable, threatened to kill, was sending pictures of dead people, stay away psychopath
  24. This guy is a liar.He was used my knowledges, resources,truck,trailer and trucking equipment.Made damages on the truck and trailer,got 4 tickets 250$ each at the same day and gone.
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