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Everything posted by Samsara

  1. Driver is always late for his delivery appointments, because he lives in Amarillo, TX and each time he passes from there he over stays at his house and does not leave on time to make his delivery time. He is always late one or two days for his appointments and every time this happens, he says that he is home and he is sick, so he cant drive. Driver also had two accidents for the past 3 months which each accident costed about 2000$ in repairs on our equipment. Driver was fired.
  2. He is just a big problem. 3 tickets: 1. speeding, 2. Truck in 3rd lane, 3. Truck in 3rd lane This person was leasing truck from us. He did not pay 3 weeks of the truck and trailer lease, insurance and etc... Abandoned truck and loaded trailer in MO. Got drunk at truck stop and we had to recover truck While we was driving to get truck back we was terrorizing us that he will damage truck if we will not give him 200$ and buy his fly ticket. But we don't talk to terrorist like him. We found alcohol in the truck and truck that did not start because fuel filter lid was open. He got some mental problem and very angry person also he stole 2 tablets, keys and fuel card. We did police report AVOID AVOD AVO(D But his out on your our risk
  3. Worked for 3 weeks, cocaine and cannabis addicted, drives not by HOS rules, attitude and etc. Hire him if you love to chase your truck and headache.
  4. late for 5 of 5 loads for 6 hours or more hours then threatened to dump loaded trailer at receiver when late fees were assessed - terminated
  5. Drives team with Martin Ciera Nikita. Abandoned truck with freight in the trailer several hours before the delivery appt (Kraft Foods) . Found truck (new cascadia) without the front bumper, all side panels damaged, holes gauged in them. Very disrespectful to the company staff. Do not hire
  6. This driver is a huge waste of time. Cannot even complete 200 mile load on time with FCFS shippers/receivers. That will sometimes take him a day and a half or two days because he ends up showing up late to deliver 200 MILES!! Hired for min 3 weeks out but then said he needs to be home every other weekend. Ran over a fire hydrant and huge boulder causing over $7,000 of damage to our trailer. When he called to report the incident he just said that he blew a brake chamber and needed road service. We received a bill a while later from the city charging us for the damage and emergency services because for the fire hydrant and the driver was still lying saying he didn't do it. The police even did a report on scene and he never mentioned any of this. On top of this, he took the truck home and refused to answer the phone for a week until his wife said that he can't drive the truck anymore and that we would have to recover it from AL which is 800 miles from our yard.
  7. Completed 1 trip for the company and abandoned truck in Baltimore,MD. Avoid. The guy lies about everything.
  8. Do Not Hire him !!! Does whatever he wants , super slow 200-300 miles a day , once get home NEWER LEAVES , wont answer his phone ,last time took two weeks for him to get out of home !
  9. 08/25/1963 guy playing with your time , asking to check him , set drug test appt , and then disappears , after non stop questions finally answering that moving to other state cannot join now like that 2 times
  10. Ruslan has serious mental problems. At firs the complies with everything. A week after he started to harass everyone within the company. Sending millions of messages. Constantly complaining about the truck. Always stopping to "add oil" or fix something on the truck. Wants constant attention. Towards the end, he ended up damaging our truck by hutting the pole so we had 3000 dollars worth of damage. In the end, he lied that his aunt is dying left the truck, and in the process demanded we help him with moving everything out of the truck. Last but not least harassed the owner of the company saying nasty things as well to the owner's wife calling her awful names. Has mental issues, needy, bipolar, and not good for any company. I would def. not recommend him.
  11. waste of time and money , did drug test and went to other company to work , damn clown
  12. Used us to get a free ticket to fly in to chicago. went missing, no communication.
  13. Salim asked our company to buy him an airplane ticket and than didn't come to orientation on the date scheduled. The next week he bought a ticket and came by himself. He worked for our company for a week and than had a strange suspicious women call us. The women said that there was an emergency at home and he must leave. We then held his paycheck the following week. This is when he came back and switched his story saying that now he was able to work. Next he picked up the truck at Ryder and brought it back to our office and left it running with the curtains closed. At this point we discovered that the truck was empty with trash. The garbage driver evaded his employment and stole a paycheck. Please be aware of him. He has yellow in the whites of his eyes and looks like he is on crack cocaine. Please do not hire him.
  14. driver fuel for no reason when home always late on pu and delivery abandoned truck in Byron,ga after telling company his father died and he needs time and took 500 dollars cash advance and then one for 167.00. absolute nightmare to work with.
  15. Driver has no experience. Quit after 4 working days because truck has small issue which we agree to fix. Waste of time
  16. Abandoned truck under dispatch , would never hire again
  17. Took 2 weeks off stating, he will come back, then texted stating he changed his mind. Hard to work with. Had an accident. Damages to our equipment only
  18. Worst driver ever. She went home and had to start on Sunday. Broker called to confirm if all is good for the pickup.She confirmed that she is rolling. Never picked up a load,disconnected her phone and caused a company freight guard with recovery of truck from NC.
  19. Driver dropped the truck, refused to take couple loads. Making his own rules. If you need more info, you can call us (312) 285-7639
  20. Late almost every load. In first week booked very cheap load by him self and tried to lie, that he didn't do it. Second week came back with damaged trailer. He was driving with our truck around Chicago 2 days, not responding to our phone calls. Abandoned the truck near the airport. 3 Months after he abandoned the truck we got police report, that he hit someone in a truck stop and didn't told us about that. Stay away from this driver.
  21. BEWARE! Applied for a job with us. We checked his employment history. The first 3 replies from his previous employers were that the driver is terrible and has been terminated from all 3. They had problems all the time.
  22. drove from oh to il empty, no communication. the truck was brought to the terminal. quit without 2 weeks notice. is not eligible for rehire.
  23. Bad communication. Late most of the time, hard to reach him when you need it. Left truck with lights on and no fuel in loaded reefer. He's driving with two dogs so truck was a mess when he left it and he took I-Pass when he left.
  24. horrible driver. max 2 loads per week. Always has some problems. Every month needs to see his parole officer.
  25. When driver was hauling load with the seal, half of it disappeared, energetic drinks, now we have a claim for 10k+. Police still investigating what happened. Driver believes he is not at fault, when how would you not mention 6 pallets disappeared only by weight of the truck. Can not trust as he did not have one story to tell, was different details every time
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