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Everything posted by Sentry

  1. Abandoned equipment after a week on the road and told us to feel free to report him everywhere, companies will still hire him. This guy is what is wrong with this industry. If you want to collect equipment all over US feel free and hire him.
  2. Dont waste time and money with this driver. We booked him flight almost 400$ and he didnt came at the end.
  3. This is a driver that has been in the hiring process for about a month. We spent a lot of time and money on him. As long as he needed us, he answered. When we paid for his bus ticket from Dallas to Chicago, he stopped answering. He was even so disrespectful that he said his bus was late. He never called after that. Skip him because he will only take your money and use you.
  4. Hard to work with, always complaining, nothing works for him. Dropped the truck/trailer in FL without any notice. Not reliable.
  5. Warren did big accident that costed us 80000$ after a while he ABANONED the truck in CALIFORNIA
  6. Drug addict. Sap driver, send him to do follow up (passed it). After did his follow up, disapeared for 4-5 days with the load. After that contacted us with story how he got sick. After further talk admit he used drugs, was told return truck to yard, drove home abandon vehicle.
  7. Drug test done, no show. We lost the load and broker put us on DNU. Save yourself a trouble and avoid hiring Ricardo Cerna.
  8. Stay away from this driver. He drove 1st load 300 miles and he drove our truck and trailer empty from IL to TX where he abandoned it. One of the worst drivers we ever had
  9. Always looking for problems with everything. Quit once and turned out he wanted some time off with his daughter. Again he left without notice. Very bad experience with this driver.
  10. If you gonna hire this driver be careful because she left our company without any notice and left us with payments and she is not willing to pay back, and if there are any small issues at the pickup or delivery she will call the police. 50% of the loads that she got she was all the time late and miss the appointments. We got a freight guard on carrier 411 because of her. and if are any damage to her equipment she will put the blame an you (company).
  11. Jonas abandoned our truck in less than a week from his hire date. Stay away from this driver!
  12. The driver is a scammer. He communicates with many companies, he applied with us and we explained to him everything about the position, he agreed and after we book him the flight ticket he started to make some excuses and at the end stopped answering. THINK TWICE BEFORE HIRING HIM!
  13. I rarely do that, but this driver had to be let go simply because the market is slow, could not afford to have him anymore! Highly recommended!
  14. Unreliable person, wanted to join our company, we bought him a plane ticket and never showed up. The day of the flight texted that the offer is not right for him even though we chatted 2 hours ago and everything was fine. Avoid
  15. Great communication during the recruitment process, started driving, got his 1st load, everything seemed perfect. Delivered it and instead of going to pick up the next one he turned his phone off and went home -over 200 miles driving empty. Turned on his phone just to tell us he decided to get another job outside of trucking. We need to go and recover the truck! Do not hire! Waste of time, money and nerves!
  16. Bad communication with dispatch. Ended up firing him, because he was stealing fuel.
  17. This driver is a complete waste of time. We booked him a flight and he was supposed to do the orientation which is 4 hours long he started to complain about everything. Being rude to the colleagues from the orientation office. He is mentally unstable, changing his mind 3 times per minute.
  18. Keith left the truck in FL without notice, he left the company in the middle of his drug follow-up testing program. He is on SAP and refused to complete a follow-up drug test and went home for vacation then told us he is not coming back to work.
  19. Paid all the travels for this driver, as well he asked for cash advance, always crying that he needs money, after couple loads dropped equipment, we needed to do recovery and etc.. As far as I know he left for another company. Be careful and don't get fulled by him.. would never recomend to anyone
  20. For your own company's safety, hang up the phone on him and never answer it again. He "lost" a loaded trailer after he "accidentally" took all the ELDs and trackers out of it, and then didn't pick up the phone for 3 days... Once he did finally answer, he said somebody took the trailer he left unattended at a truck stop and he didn't know when it happened, that he had left the trailer there and went to another location with his truck so he could sleep. The truck stop workers told us they offered to lock the trailer up for him but that he refused, they also added that he was very against the idea. All in all the load was, of course, never recovered, the trackers were found scattered all around the area, and he had no idea how any of that could have happened. In addition to everything he already did, he somehow "accidentally" took all the good tires we had on the truck and trailer, switching them with tires that were just good enough to get a driver who went to recover the unit to a shop 30 miles away before giving out. He is a gambler, a junkie and a liar, bringing him into the company was the worst thing we could have ever done, but it happened to us as a learning experience, so it doesn't have to happen to you. Do not do this to your company, or the brokers who decide to give this guy a load.
  21. Abandoned truck, bad communication with all departments and disobey HOS rules.
  22. We book travel and confirmed that he was going to be on the plane. He never got on the plane and later after multiple attempts to contact him he came up the excuse that his mother died. When in fact during the interview he mentioned his mother died 4yrs ago. This individual is a WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY!!
  23. !!! WARNING!!! If Mr Rico apply to work for you please make sure you request observed pre employment drug test! He tried using fake urine when applying to work for us!!! After observed test and negative result we did hire him... first load, he abandoned trailer at the truck stop, tore up dash cam and ELD from the truck, drove our truck for 400 mi and abandoned it in Virginia!!! ABSOLUTE BAD HIRE!!!
  24. Driver did the drug test, agreed on everything and right before the orientation stopped answering phone calls and texts. Avoid
  25. with first load damaged truck.....total
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