The driver is untrustworthy, unreliable, disrespectful, manipulative, phony, deceiving, incompetent and would not recommend trusting this person by any means.
Some of the examples below
11/3 - The driver informed us that he needs to take care of his personal matters for a day or two. The driver got back home and disappeared - did not answer the calls, and completely ignored the messages. Informed once that he is going to tell us when he will be ready to take the loads. He was gone for 4 consecutive days. 11/3 - 11/7
11/12 - The driver was provided with a load over the weekend. Early morning the driver sent a snip from google with the shipping facility, where was shown that the facility was not working - the driver did not provide any comment on what does the snip mean and what was the point of that, we had to guess. Which was not true and the facility was shipping. The driver decided, that the facility is not working and he will not pick up the load. -The driver did not inform anyone of this, causing a potential and high chance of getting a Freight Guard report from the broker. Once the driver was reached, after multiple calls and messages, the driver messaged that he showed the problem and he will wait for dispatch the following week. The driver, again, did not provide any comments and continued to ignore us. The driver kept ignoring the calls and messages and used the truck for his personal matters, postponing the work and the loads. This took from 11/12 - 11/22. In other words - the driver hijacked the truck, leaving us guessing what will happen, to the last days of his employment with us when he chose when and IF he will bring back the equipment.
At the end - the truck was not brought back and we had to outsource the person to get the truck back. The driver asked for EFS for fuel, which he lied for and used for his personal
These are just some of the examples that happened overtime his employment with us.
In addition, the driver was late for 85% of appointment times for the deliveries, not providing a proper reason and always looking for excuses in every situation, complaining about everything. Unprofessional, unpunctual, and ignorant. Lack of common sense and understanding and the way of driving has caused nothing, but loss for the company.