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The Hartford

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Everything posted by The Hartford

  1. Rude , picky driver. Not reliable. Doesn't want to work but wants money. Just wasted time and money for him. Cannot recommend to hire him
  2. Damaged equipment and not wanting to pay for damages. Consistently late to appointments.
  3. Driver abandoned the truck! Stole everything he could, before leaving the truck. Tablet, binder, fuel cards and etc. Only gave the keys to our recovery driver after he agreed to give him $40. Looked really intoxicated.
  4. Abandoned the truck .Broke all agreements ?
  5. unresponsible, not answering phone, delivering when find a time
  6. Bailed the company 3 times, and never answers his phone and texts, He pretended he was the guy that found Mr. Mugisha's phone. Sneaky guy, you will lose your money on plane tickets and drug tests if you decide to hire this guy. Avoid at any cost
  7. Do not hire this guy!!! Such a waste of money and time. Did drug test, stay that day in hotel, then did orientation tomorrow , didn't want to go on road, said how he is tired and need some rest. OK. He wasn't driving more than 2 weeks, suppose to come week before but he canceled and again was tired. Guy is just lazy and don't want to work. Wanna keep your truck to live in and drive around. Day after, we called him around 11 am, he said how he is tired and don't want to take load again. After we explained him that we can not pay him hotel ( that he choose ) any more and keep truck for him if don't want to drive, then he came to office, all nervous and shaking. Mad and kind off rude. Ask for inverter that he never mention, all type of things he could remember just to don't go on road. After we did everything he asked for, he told dispatch how he will take load in the morning, coz he is tired of course and he want to go on the road and get his loads early morning only, and not driving late. Again we tried to work with him. After first load, he parked the truck ACROS THE DELIVERY, litteraly across the street on parking lot, didn't want to deliver the load becouse he is tired. In the morning again he didn't want to deliver load. Just sit there 3 days on parking lot and asked for advance. Just a terrible guy, he will keep your load as long he wants to get advance.
  8. Scammer! The driver stole our equipment and has been holding it for 1,5 months for personal use. For more info. don't hesitate to get in touch with Keen Cargo
  9. He Abandoned our Truck and Trailer- Worked with us for 4 months, last 10 days has stopped answering the phone and replying to text. Truck is abandoned in Mondesto California, pretty close to where he lives. The entire time we have had difficulty getting him to follow our instructions on sending POD's on time. Staff is exhausted from his lack of following instructions. Plus he gave us lots violations in DOT inspections. Just be aware this is our experience with him, just facts.
  10. This guy is a waste of time and money. Bought a plane ticket, paid for his Uber and the drug test for him to just disappear. Not heard anything from him ever since. He cost me well over $500 in total. Does not even have the decency to answer my phone calls. Do not hire this guy!
  11. Quit and Abandon Equipment 500miles away from the yard. Rude with every single person in the company.
  12. The minute he doesn't get his way he will threaten to abandon your equipment. Exactly as his previous VOE say. Give him a chance and be a fool like me.
  13. Because of his irresponsible driving we had to pay towing when he went off the road... After a few days he insisted on load only to TX... He abandon truck there
  14. Irresponsible and very slow. Left loaded truck on the entrance of some parking (nobody could pass it) and abandon it
  15. He was bagging for the opportunity, being on sap. I needed a driver I took him on board, that a mistake that was. First trip - weigh station bypass, soon after Out of Service after Out of Service, abandoned my truck and left. Stay away!
  16. I called and agreed, said all the conditions of the company, he replied that everything fits and is ready to come. I bought a ticket and it disappeared. Do not buy tickets for him , we need to stop buying tickets and let them come at their own expense.
  17. The driver left the company owing over 5.k . He hurt the company score with 5.warnings the fine that He never paid of $1,017. We were not able to take from He's escrow, cause He owned more than double.. He drove poorly, left the the truck dirty and stinky. Communication between Him and departments was tough.
  18. Likes to be called Bill. Went for the drug test for us then stopped answering the phone. Just spent our time and money.
  19. very poor performance ,always late ,very bad attitude depending on the mood ,Won't be rehired here
  20. BE AWARE! He dropped the truck with a loaded trailer without a warning. He did the same at the previous company, but we found out that after he was hired.
  21. We invested time, money and energy only to have him not wanting to pick up the phone or slams the phone down as soon as he heard who was calling. As soon as he was plant to get him scheduled to go and get his drug test done.... Really unprofessional.... Everyone should skip this driver and not waste time on him...
  22. Quit because of bad Market Brought truck back and started arguing and cursing with no reason he didn't want it to leave his stuff at the office and tried to Run with the Truck - Eligible for Re Hire - NO !!!
  23. Flight was purchased, he was a no show. He didn't even bother to let us know he wasn't coming. A couple days later called and didn't even realize who he called. After realizing who he called he abruptly hung up. My recommendation DO NOT HIRE.
  24. Racistic questions and comments as presented in the attached pictures.
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