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Everything posted by Ooida

  1. He told us that he will start with us a multiple time and did not appear. Lied about coming in Chicago.
  2. Started out great then started sleeping all day and not answer phone quit underload after dispatched turn truck in it was a mess and some body damage
  4. driver could not make flight because of an arrest warrant.
  5. Abandoned equipment , not following company policy.
  6. Stay away from this guy ,came to work with his wife ,drug test came positive, asked for cash advance ,Stoll our equipment, was very rood, used profanity.
  7. Driver quit under dispatch and abandoned equipment across the country. Likes to promise a lot, but always whines and cries. Nothing is ever good enough for him.
  8. Is very unreliable from day one they were complaining. Abandoned truck before leaving the truck made damages to tire and letting oil out stay away from this driver!!!!
  9. This is VERY WEIRD driver. We talked and scheduled his orientation 3 times already. Each time he sounds normal, reasonable, but each time no response/disappears on orientation day. Then he lies and sweet talks his way back, but once orientation day comes - DISAPPEARS. Won't be making the same mistake again. WASTE OF TIME Putting two stars because we never actually got him on a road. Have no idea if he's a good driver or if he managed to lie his way on that one as well
  10. Unreliable driver. Beware! Every pay day on Friday - would not work till get the money in her bank. Even though we don't have any control of intrabanks activities. Eventually abandoned the truck after taking a week off. Had to recover the truck at my own expense to find out they've smoked in it.
  11. Christopher Smith worked for our company for about two months and in all that time he only took a few loads. Every week he had different excuses not to drive. To top it all off at the end he abandoned the truck.
  12. Worked for 2.5 weeks, always late, not a single load on time. Wanted to go home every 2-4 days making up reasons all the time.
  13. Driver worked with us for almost half a year, last 2 weeks was going home and staying for 70% of the time, on Monday called to say he found another job and is leaving the truck 1000mi away from the terminal, gave no notice, truck was abandoned. Logbook usage was a constant struggle, even with personal help advice was ignored and logs done wrong.
  14. He has hit the truck and made a claim as well so we decided to terminate him. Asked him to book him a flight home, he said he is fine and then stole the truck from our yard
  15. He abandoned our trailer in VA, then he drove our truck home to Atlanta, GA. He didn't tell us where for both and he disconnected from his ELD, so good thing we had a GPS installed on both the truck and the trailer. When asked why he told us to "fuck off already". All this because he misunderstood his statement. When we explained the situation and tried to communicate with him he didn't want to listen so he blocked us all. Two months later he has the audacity to apply with us again. Save your time.
  16. We bought him a plane ticket and hotel room.. He came to our location. He took the drug test. Next day results came back in he was negative. We went to call him and left the hotel and never responded back to us. Don't hire or waist your time on this guy. To find out later he flew back home. His friend had to let us know. And still no reponse from driver
  17. Abandoned truck in Michigan, our terminal is in IL. His wife claimed he has a "medical" emergency but any time I asked what is wrong with him, she wouldn't respond.
  18. Lack of experience, hit a low bridge, huge damage to our trailer.
  19. Had a very negative experience with him. Multiple attitude and anger issues, seems nice at first until something goes not as he planned, cussing everyone out. Quit without notice after flipping out on a dispatcher.
  20. 500 miles in two days, 1 load and wants to go back to the yard to leave the truck, no notice, nothing that we as a company have done, would not recommend, as he might change his mind 100 times in a minute
  21. Vergie worked with us for about 3 weeks and is very slow. Late to every appointment. We spent hours on the phone directing him when he got lost and helping him with his logbook. Simple tasks like logging into his own email or sending BOLS were almost impossible. We had to retrieve the truck from Texas because he just stopped answering the phone and stayed at the truck stop for more than a week. He should not be driving.
  22. He doesn't want to drive, he just likes to sit at home. We told him before he started to work for us that you have to work at least 3 weeks and then you have 3 days off, if you work longer you get 5 days off. So after 2 weeks, he came back home and told us he needs more time at home or otherwise won't work anymore, so he abended the truck and disappeared. You just gonna waste time and money on this driver and when he is at home, he feels like he is the king and can do whatever he wants and acting really rude.
  23. Very hard to communicate with. Log books do not exist for this guy. Lying all the time, finding excuses everywhere.
  24. This driver and his team driver Arisbel Ranero Alvarez are people to avoid! They worked for a short time in our company and during that time they caused a number of problems. They left our truck in the middle of the road while they had a load, locked the truck and didn’t want to return the key to us. After leaving the truck, they came to the office with baseball bats to ask for money from the escrow. On that occasion, they threatened in various ways the staff employed in our office. Months after they left the company in this way, they left comments on advertisements we posted to hire drivers and harassed drivers who were interested in starting working for us. For all the time since our company has existed, we have not encountered a problem such as these two drivers. Take care!
  25. This driver is monthly looking for jobs wastes everyone’s time accepts job and vanishes.. while currently bashing his current employer. DO NOT waste your time
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