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Matrack ELD

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Everything posted by Matrack ELD

  1. Driver lying and will hide / not disclose previous work history related events. check his previous pre employment results before hiring. protect your company.
  2. Waste of time he may be a decent driver but he will cause problems very complicated person very hard to work with.
  3. Worked 10 mo, dangerous driving until rear ended passenger car march 2022 with injuries , truck not cared , be aware.
  4. Hire at your own risk, but get her criminal record first! She worked for us from 2/8/22 until 3/14/22. During that time she took 20 days off, had an accident, falsified logs, abandoned trailer, stole the truck, drove home to KY from IL, abandoned truck there and left it trashed and vandalized for us to recover. She actually defecated in a truck- see picture...
  5. Kept lying constantly, when doing home never comes out as agreed, was running brand new truck 2022 with zero miles being the first driver to run it, he screwed up the truck with 40k miles on it and abandoned it in Dallas. Truck was nightmare inside trash everywhere, never gave two weeks notice, avoid at any cost
  6. We went through the hiring process with this person, the standard procedure in the business: Screening, drug test, flew him in, covered for tranportation, started orientation, put him in a hotel room so we can complete orientation the next day and start with the first load. As you know, up until this point, a good amount of resources have been invested. Next day at the agreed time, I let him know that his ride is on the way to bring him back to the office. Here is when James responded that his son had been involved in a car accident, so he would have to return next week. Now, we have come across applicants who blatantly lie before, or just don't show up. There are bad apples in all industries, the thing is, we found out a day after that on that same day he was hired in another company in the area. Apparently, he did not like our trucks and we were not honest about what we had available, this is what James told the other company, according to the representative we talked to. When we agreed to terms with James over the phone, he was informed about what trucks we have. A couple of days before his flight he asked again via text message if we have another type of truck, he said he assumed we have Freightliners, and again I made clear what we have available. If this was really a deal breaker for him, why not say so, why the dishonesty, why let us go through all the trouble, time, money, and prep if he always knew he was going elsewhere. He lied and wasted the company's time to get free air tickets, transportation and lodging, and everything the actual company he now drives for should have paid for. A deceiving and unprofessional individual, that is what you can expect when hiring James Donald Burkhalter. * The conversations on the pictures attached display a difference of 8 hours more than our actual operation and office time zone (CST).
  7. She is stealing everything on your truck. Always late for deliveries. always demanding cash advance. Abandoned our truck and we had to pay $2k to get the truck location. Disconnect the ELD and take the truck to MI without company approval. Works only 3 -4 weeks for us and steal the brand new refrigerator from our truck. Stole 2 brand new tires that we changed on trailer in LOVES for $1,089 the same week and leave 2 messed up tires that we need to change again. Damage the trailer and blaming on windy weather. Very difficult to deal with her and not reliable at all. I do have a proof for everything. Stay away from her.
  8. Not a reliable driver. Worked on his own schedule. Once he was terminated, left the truck near a hotel in Iowa and disappeared. We had to fly another driver in to recover the truck. Major attitude issues as well.
  9. Driver reached out to me from the add and told me he has tested positive for marihuana and has completed SAP. I told him I will give him a chance and work around his drug testing schedule to make this work. I bought him a flight plus luggage, got him to IL from TX, ordered him Uber. Came in, filled out all the documents, and asked for a load to Dallas, TX since he had to pickup his stuff (even though I bought him extra luggage to bring his necessary items). Once he got loaded he started calling me that the truck is not working properly, asking to stop to protect the engine. I checked the faults on the computer and it needed some coolant. He refused to add it, saying it has up to max (a lie). Told me I have to make appt at the dealership, which I did just to accommodate him. Once he had the appt set, told me he added coolant and now he does not need to go to the dealership. Once he got home (delivered the load, thanks God), started calling me saying that I need to get him a parking spot by his house and pay for it, since its inconvenient for him to park the truck at the truck stop. He kept arguing with me and ordering me around, I then told him I will find a load back to IL so he can bring the truck back and go separate ways. He then told me he will not go back and will leave the truck in TX (even though I offered to pay for his flight home). He also told me he will not give me my truck back unless I text him and email him stating that he "Did not abandon my equipment". I did that just to make sure he does not do anything to my truck and trailer. We later called the cops to come get our keys and lock up the truck. And at the end of all of this he has the nerve to text me demanding me to pay for that one load he did. I had to pay another driver to fly to TX to recover the truck and other expenses associated with this. Not even to say about the time this truck was sitting abandoned. Please be aware of this guy, do not waste your time on him, unless you want him to run your company and you want to be ordered around all the time.
  10. Driver abandoned LOADED Tractor/Trailer in Nicholls, GA. When asked him to at least bring our truck back to our terminal his response was do what you need to do I will not be bringing the truck back. Driver is a total disappointment because for the first 6 months he was an exceptional driver but at the end he really showed his true colors. HIRE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
  11. Strongly Do Not recommend! We scheduled his arrival and once at the office he started accusing us for false information and for trying to "trick him" .
  12. Stay away from this guy, he was driving for us for about few months, he literally destroyed the truck, no mud flaps, brake the oilpan, damage visible all over the truck. Worst part is we doing dedicated loads with Amazon, he know that and he didnt show up for pick up and abound the truck on a truck stop.
  13. driver showed up out of the blue and asked for a job. had no money so we put him in hotel for 2 nights while completing paperwork. I set him up with all necessities, drug test came back diluted but passed. immediately before picking up his first load went to a pilot and tried to take cash advance which was denied . he was 20 mins in the opposite direction he was supposed to be going. I immediately went to recover truck and explain to him he was not a driver I needed working for my company. He lost his cool and pulled a knife on me and tried to stab me. STAY away from this guy seems mental disorder is prevalent
  14. He came and complained just about any and everything. We switched two trucks for him because there was always something he didn't like. He left the last almost brand new truck we gave him and disappeared. Waist of time and a headache!
  15. Got terminated after 3 weeks. Driver did a terrible accident with the truck hitting another car then escaped from the whole incident, then abounded the truck in Jackson, MS. We tried many times to reach him and point him out what terrible thing he did but nothing he abounded the truck. Stay away..........
  16. Picky on dispatchers, communication for him not that important, he thinks he knows everything, don't bother him if you hire. Worked for couple of years, at the beginning was much stronger driver, later got a stroke and then obviously was a key fact to slow him down. Would I hire him again? Maybe.
  17. Driver has a very bad attitude with demeanor to match. Refused load, stole truck and trailer after termination, had to get police involved. Very bad at following instruction.
  18. Worked for us for about 2 weeks than abounded the truck and stop picking up the phone. Very moody, possible mental problems. He was pulling up the treats toward my office employees. Please beware. Will be shopping around shortly.
  19. he call send us driver license mvr is good try to reach him until next day finally he answers his phone we did agree all terms his last questions can you give some money now cash advance we said nooo hung up stay a way
  20. schedule for the drug test never show up answering his phone but each time he call he don't know to whom he is talking and last call he just hang up its just feel he is under influents stay a way
  21. Very hard to work with, very argumentive can't even have a conversation with him. Cannot work on schedule, he wants only his way or when works only for him, out of 20 loads he was on time only for 2.
  22. Terrible driver. You guys will regret that you hired him. Complains 24/7. Please avoid this dude. He has mental issues.
  23. This is guy is a joke, waste of time and money, not serious, not responsible. He will tell you lot of nice stories about him and his life, how hard he likes to work, but in reality he is one of those who likes free money.
  24. Extremely poor communication, kept arranging plans to start employment with us and kept disappearing then when was sent a ticket to orientation was very clear that he will come but then turned off his phone and missed the flight - be very wary
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