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Matrack ELD

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Everything posted by Matrack ELD

  1. took cash advance for fuel, because said fuel card not worked and drop truck
  2. Do not hire. Dissapered with a loaded truck in Liberal KS, every word is a lie. Broker charged us $3k for delivery made after 2 weeks appt. Hidding inspections with violations
  3. Abandoned truck! Even though he was changing companies every month he had more then 10 companies changed we decided to give him a chance, he made u a 15000$ claim then after a week disappeared with the truck and we could not reach him at all!!!
  4. ABANDONED TRUCK ACCROSS COUNTRY!!!! Doesn't follow instructions. Refusing to pick up loads all the time due to nonsense reasons. Had an accident and lied about what happened. Very bad experience with this driver. He sounds nice at first and after he gets in the truck, the nightmare begins. STAY AWAY!!
  5. Got 30 years experience under his belt, but didn't learn anything. Very hard to communicate.Allways issues with ELD. Doesn't know how to send text message. Not able to send POD after delivery. Gambling problems. Fired after he got 3 moving violations in 2 days.
  6. 2 accidents and 2 Violations in one week. Made an accident took truck to shop to fix the rim, shop gave crazy estimate, told driver wait till morning so we could get him different repair shop, he called DOT to TA parking lot and asked for Out of service violation. Terminated after that.
  7. Spent 20 minutes on the phone - sounded OK, asked many questions. After a while I started noticing that everything I say is perfectly fine with him, I mean it's a good thing but it's a super rare occasion, checked here and boom! Not hiring.
  8. drama driver , player
  9. Real life Gangster .... Has attorney always late . On Friday night his truck always has a major breakdown and truck stop doest have parts or busy and he takes hotel until Monday... Monday morning everything works fine like it never happened . Got him a load home for his court. Had a loaded trailer With Triple T broker . Told broker to pay him 250$ if he wanted him to deliver his load, then asked me same think, I ignored him so he didn't deliver. Original delivery was Wednesday . Next app was Friday night, so to be safe I paid 250$. He went to the delivery and dropped the loaded trailer and paperwork in the company parking lot and just left. Refer run out of fuel . Had to sent another driver to get trailer and deliver the load . Refer was out of fuel set temp was -10 , when driver got there rear temp was 58... He disconnected the ELD and GPS had to call Volvo few times on his location. To get truck back got truck towed . I do not recommend this. G unit
  11. Never show up for orientation and Hotel was booked ,never called back company .
  12. Insubordination, no communication, bad decision maker. Driver drove straight from VA to LA empty (home), without sleep, didn't answer phone calls, abandoned truck.
  13. Maintenances part safety complete failure and dangerous driver. Refusing to fix his OOS violations on time. Refusing to do a pre-trip inspection. received these violations during dot inspection 393.207B Adjustable axle locking pins missing or not engaged 393.45B2 Brake hose or tubing chafing and/or kinking 393.75A3 Tire-flat and/or audible air leak 395.8E False report of drivers record of duty status
  14. We went through whole process, lose time and money on this guy, company paid for the flight ticket and after he landed just despaired. STAY AWAY IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET SCAMED!
  15. He is hot heeded and physically unstable took lorded trailer and refused to unload until he gets money.
  16. Be careful of this driver . He decided he did not want to drive for us anymore because in March we decided we will have to lower pay from 0.70 cents to 0.65 cents due to the market in 2023 . So on Friday before we did it we called all drivers to explain and see what they will say . We did that and who ever wanted to quit we understood and brought them back as aggreed . On Friday this guy had a load planned so we said after that we will bring you back please let us not have issue right away with the broker . he said hell no get me back to Chicago and refussed to get back . That was around noon . So back and forth he said he is coming empty. We said please dont do it its a waste of money . He keept the truck until Monday 1-2 pm when he showed up . Also always late to deliveries non stop to the point that we have to look only for open deliveries for him not get in trouble . Also verry dirty on maintanace and upkeping of the vehicles . And he is non stop on the phone . For sure not someone that will benefit your company . Hope this helps >
  17. He wanted to take advantage of our OCC/ACC insurance after he voluntarily left our company. He had hernia surgery before he came in our company and he is lying
  18. Bad experience with this driver, he left our truck in another state for 2 weeks, we couldn't contact him
  19. Abdoned our truck on parking lot
  20. Communicating with the driver was nearly impossible. He picked up a load from PA scarp metal and was supposed to deliver to KY. He called that he is broke down in OH and sic then no communication. We located the trailer through gps and when we sent a new driver to check the trailer was empty, truck not together with truck. This is still ongoing situation, since then we don't have communication with the driver
  21. took cash adv for fuel, because said fuel cards not working, and drop truck
  22. Eduardo was declined a position because of his criminal background. https://www.fltimes.com/news/dundee-man-getse-2-years-for-debit-card-fraud/article_69a7e2ee-ae10-11e4-84ab-f75491e3c265.html Our policy simply doesn't allow it when we are about to assign a person a $200k piece of equipment. The applicant never stepped foot in our office but proceeded to give our company a 1 star review about how we brought him over, then never paid for his expenses, and told him to leave. None of this was true. Whatever your policies are, be careful, because if you choose to decline this driver, he will bad mouth your company with lies making it even more difficult to find the good drivers that are out there.
  24. 1st had a bus ticket, went to bus station, he wasn't in the system, after sent me the flight receipt supposed to come feb 8th 2023 , again went to the airport not in the system either. waste of time. IF HE CAN'T MANAGE THAT NOT SURE IF HE WILL BE A GOOD DRIVER OVER THE ROAD.
  25. Drove teams with husband Richard Blackburn and abandoned equipment about 50 miles from the yard after couple of months. Very picky drivers, they do not like to drive a lot, they do not want to go where the snow is, they are always looking at the weather and so much as a snowflake will shut down and lose at least a day.
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