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    Jim Bernict Otano

    Mario Ramirez Montano

    He stole $3,750 in cash from customer payments and left a delivery in the company parking lot without informing the company. Be very careful with this driver.

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    Wilfredo Jr Rivera

    Wilfredo, aka Freddy will sound like you found the best driver out there to drive your truck. He will give you everything you like to hear. Very convincing but unfortunately deceiving.
    I got him hired although there was some red flags by previous company. I got him set up under our dedicated lane and he let me down immediately. He got dispatched the day before and the next day when he was supposed to pick up the truck and get loaded he was rejecting our calls and he wouldn't answer texts for no reason at all, so weird... Found out that he has done that other times as well. 
    His goal will be to get advance even before he starts working, so be wary. 
    Overall he was just a waste of time and money. 

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    Came home for family emergency and gone...

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    After working 1week asked $1000 cash adv drove home, left truck in UT, never returned back.

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