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Effective communication tactics with drivers at night

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I’m looking for some advice on maintaining clear and effective communication with our drivers during night shifts. It can be challenging to keep everyone in the loop and ensure smooth operations during these hours. What are your best practices or tools for staying connected with drivers at night?

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For our night shifts, we use a combination of scheduled check-ins and instant messaging apps. We set up regular intervals for check-ins where drivers update their status, and we use apps like WhatsApp or Slack for quick, real-time communication. Also, having a dedicated night shift dispatcher who is fully alert and available to handle any issues that arise is key..

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We’ve found that having a robust communication protocol is essential. We equip our drivers with mobile devices that have both voice and text capabilities and ensure they have all necessary contacts pre-programmed. Using a platform like Zello, which works like a walkie-talkie, has also been effective for instant voice communication. Ensuring that all messages are clear and concise helps prevent misunderstandings during the night.

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For us, clear communication starts with thorough briefings before the night shift begins. We also use dedicated communication channels on apps like Microsoft Teams, which are monitored specifically for night operations. This helps streamline messages and ensures that nothing gets missed. Additionally, we provide our drivers with hands-free devices to ensure safety while they’re on the move.

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