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Everything posted by MVRonline

  1. He sending one million msg before he was apporval we book fly ticket for him and he never show up stay away
  2. This guy is an AVID and notorious jumper and it reflects on his application. We talked to him for about two to three months before deciding to give him a shot. He was not reported on this site so we assumed he really was struggling to find a company that worked for him. After prolonged discussion, planning, etc., we told him that he needs to be 100% sure this is for him because the last thing we want is for him to come, and be unhappy. He agreed that would not be the case. We were honest with him from the start on how things are done with our company. He worked for us for 2 weeks before letting us know he quits :-) I don't think he will last too long in this industry.
  3. Worse driver ever, he gave his 2 weeks notice went home to off load his belongings and abounded the truck, stole all the fuel, changed batteries. BE AWARE!
  4. Postponed few times, saying his wife was in the hospital. Called us back saying he can start next Monday, that his wife is alright now, never answered the phone after that.
  5. John has extremely poor communication skills. Went a week without taking any loads then ignored my calls and text for 3 days after I inquired about him not working. John stated he had an issue with the fuel card(we previously talked about the fuel card and I asked him to let me know if the issue persist), then he told me he was sick(the last time he was sick he communicated that to me and I was more than understanding) I decided to terminate my working relationship with John when I discovered he was actively posting on Facebook over the 3 days I spent trying to contact him. He did return my truck to me with no problem.
  6. DO NOT HIRE !!! Will work for a week or two and leave
  7. Spent money flying the driver out from FL-IL; put him up at a hotel and covered all the costs to hire him. By the time we could get his drug test result from the lab, he had already quit and was on his way back to the airport. Total waste of time and money, was rude with everyone during orientation and had an attitude with everyone he spoke with. Would not recommend. This guy has serious trust issues.
  8. He came in our office, first everything was ok, he was supposed to start to work, got a brand new truck 2023 and a load that he was supposed to pickup this morning. And suddenly he just left, lied over the phone how he left to some friends to pick up food, and how he didn't get what we agreed, we had to cancel a load, lost money. From the start he was asking about taking him to AZ and making problems before arrival. He was changing recruiters for no reason. So if you wanna avoid loosing money and time, don't hire this drama queen. Big time sorry teller.
  9. While he was working for us as a company driver he abandoned the truck with no clear reason and with no notice what so ever. He only said that he is going to go work as a lease driver somewhere. He is definitely not reliable, would not recommend hiring this man to any trucking company.
  10. he called our company desperate for a job, did dt in chicago, came to chicago, assured us that he needs to run and hes serious, and then last minute when on the way to the truck tells us how he had to leave for georgia last minute and how he will call us, stay away from this guy, hes not serious...good pay good equipment and this driver still wasted our time
  11. DO NOT HIRE ALWAYS LATE, asking money, can't driver just looks how to waste your time and money
  12. Unreliable. Truck-Trailer abandonment.
  13. We found weed and beer in the truck. Hair drug test recommended before hiring.
  14. Waste of time and money, abandoned truck with loaded trailer after receiving first paycheck.
  15. Quit without notice and abandoned truck and trailer
  16. Be carful, head 3 out of service's in 4 weeks, demolish the rooftop of the truck didn't report and left the truck in CA!!!!
  17. Unreliable, unpredictable.
  18. Driver worked here little bit over two months, and while working wants to run only Southern States. Quit without notice, and left the equipment at his home town.
  19. Anger issued person. first day of work no logbook, no trucks roads, was very angry when he could no figure out how logbook works ( yesterday spent all day with safety learning but he has 8 years of exp ). Said to us that he will abandon truck so he was fired next day we hire him. Complete disaster but we took actions before he messed up us
  20. he's looking for work along with his dad,after we rejected him he told us that we're discriminating against him .... run away from this one
  21. Driver is beyond crazy. Like a match will just start yelling, swearing, finally one day just dropped truck and trailer with load. Had to scramble to get that load delivered. Would not hire, he completely ignores what is asked of him. Dispatch- ok Marcus have a good weekend if anything please contact after hours. Marcus- F you
  22. Refusal to do the drug test.
  23. Driver abandoned truck after stating health issues
  24. Quit under the load, no notice on Friday afternoon. On the way to the company's terminal got involved in an accident, police gave him a ticket failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Equipment damages. Would not recommend this driver.
  25. WARNING! DO NOT HIRE !!! *ABANDONED EQUIPMENT* Terrible driver , very hard to work with , driver took out GPS from our units and disappeared, threatened to kill every employee. Driver has serious issues
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